36 definitions by Karen

The rotisserie chicken that you buy at the grocery store that is already cooked and hot.
For dinner I will pick up a parking lot chicken at the grocery store on the way home from work.
by Karen January 31, 2017
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John: Did you just snort?
Karen: No, I kcajoodled.
by Karen April 20, 2005
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warriors of girl power and platform shoes alike....
by Karen October 13, 2003
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someone who copies other peoples work, and pretends it is their own
johnny looks over billy's shoulder and quickly scribbles down a few lines, then heads for the teachers table, and claims his star.
by Karen May 13, 2003
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In honour of the one and only Michael Hochman, (as annoying as that guy can be), it is a verb to describe whatever you would like.
For example, instead of saying ,
"I'll see you later",
you may say:
"I'll Hoch you later"
or even:
"I'll Hoch on you later"
It really is that versatile!
by Karen October 28, 2004
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A cajoodle sounds like a snort but, in fact, is quite different.
by Karen April 20, 2005
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