27 definitions by Kara

meaning "night"

Comes from combining the letter "n" and the german word "acht" (8) together to form "nacht", the German word for night.
myaimsn1: im going to bed, im tired.
thatonekid2: alright, n8.
myaimsn1:you too, c ya.
by Kara April 26, 2005
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Hexrpg. A really cool Harry Potter rpg site. www.hexrpg.com Founded by Hoojx. Hundreds of members. More than 2 years old. You can do all sorts of things like make a shop or rp. Full of crazy people that consider hex their home.
I'm grounded, but atleast I have my computer in my room so I can go on hex.

On a list of things I love, hex would be #1.

Me: Hey Sup?
Casey: Hey nothing
Me: what r u doing
Casey: I'm on hex!
by Kara August 27, 2004
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a shorter version of "pedestian"
Whoooa Emily, watch out for those jay-walking peds!
by Kara August 27, 2005
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Used to describe something as 'really cool'. Same idea as hella except north eastern style.
by Kara January 14, 2004
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snap!is that sklee?!wow, i heared those are really rare!
that dude is such a sklee!
by Kara February 8, 2005
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commonly refered to as poser A pathetic low-life soul who never has, and never will be themselves. Constantly coping other to make them appear as if they fit it. When asked about the one subject the are coping, that certain person will become nurvous and ramble on about only how kool what they're coping is. The main styles that usually attract poseurs are, punk, goth, skateboarders, prep, and of coarse all of the above. Please take extreme caution when approched my one of the horrid creatures...
True skateboarder:"Dude, get a life, no1 likes u, and u dont even kno wut we are talking about."

poseur:" Yah i do! Ur talking about.....uhhhhh....*gets nurvous*"

True Skateboarder:" thats wut i thought, u dont even kno........go get a life, u pathetic poseur
by Kara April 5, 2005
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