27 definitions by Kara

The club in which Napolean Dynomite is a member of. They express and act out songs using sign language.
I'm a member of the Happy Hands Club!
by Kara April 26, 2005
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"you are", as spoken by Bette Davis to Joan Crawford in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"
"But YAR, Blanche, YAR in that wheelchair!
by Kara August 18, 2004
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"She's a little cockgobbler"
by Kara December 16, 2003
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1. A common word used by someone with a mild case of turrets syndrome.

2. Being incapable of just picking one swear word one just slurs them all together to create the ultimate sign of discomfort.
"Ah, shitassbitchmotherfucker it's raining outside, I hate the rain."
by Kara January 5, 2005
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someone who gets on your nerves badly
"What a bitchass"
"stupid bitchass mofo"
"get the hell away from me bitchass"
by Kara December 16, 2003
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A plastic penis that
a. women pleasure themselves with
b. women pleasure other women with
c. men use in their poop tubes

made for pleasure
Ram that dildo up my poop tube, you gay son of a bitch!
by Kara April 1, 2003
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one who is very cuddly and loveable.
i love my geggy in bed while i sleep.
by Kara November 4, 2003
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