1 definition by Kaaren

A prime example of a "contagious" trend of overused verbage.
A young girl came into my shop the other day. She was all of six years old. EVERY (yes, no kidding) sentence that came out of her mouth began with the word "actually". It didn't matter what she was responding to.
Mom: "Ashely, what color would you like to paint that mug for Grandma?"
Ashely: "Actually, I think pink would be nice. Actually, no, maybe blue would be better".
Mom: "I think either would be great".
Ashely: "Actually, I think Grandma would actually like both colors together. Actually, maybe we could call her and ask what she would like more?"
Mom: "Well then it wouldn't be a surprise".
Ashely: "Actually, you're right. Actually I think I'll just use both colors".

Ok, so I'm probably very anal about this, but I found myself counting how many times the kid used the "A" word.
Gawd, I'm such a goober....
by Kaaren September 5, 2005
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