5 definitions by JustMe23

A phrase used to remind someone that they are being hypocritical. It is supposed to remind the person of the saying "You should not throw stones in glass houses".
Jane (who is a little big herself):
"I see someone could benefit from a few more crunches and few less crunch bars."

Alison: "Glass houses Jane."
by JustMe23 June 30, 2009
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Term used by ignorant and obviously illiterate misogynistic fucktards who feel they must degrade a woman's open sexuality.
First Drunken Frat Boy: Pass me another beer Troy, I'm gonna totally nail a slut bag hor bra!

Second Drunken Frat Boy: What a douche.
by JustMe23 October 25, 2009
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N. Unwise action undertaken while severely inebriated, of the kind that would not be undertaken sober, esp. those that are either only hazily remembered or completely forgotten the next day.
Striptease? That was a gin mistake.

Time to booze up and make a few gin mistakes.

"Like I just got elected Miss Gin Mistakes Massachusetts" - Faye, QuestionableContent.net
by JustMe23 May 4, 2009
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Like a bachelor's pad (a place where a man lives his bachelor lifestyle and only other bachelor's inhabit), the crash pad is a place that a person uses only to sleep. They are usually either busy or simply detest their domicile to such a degree that they will only deign to return when they simply must sleep.
Jason isn't home much. He pretty much uses the place as a crash pad.
by JustMe23 February 4, 2010
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Tears shed because of a depressed state brought on by excessive drinking. Can also describe those shed the next day because of the pain of a hangover or out of regret for mistakes made the previous night.
That's just the drink talking, those are just gin tears.

Alex awoke with his head in the bowl, a mess all around. Overwhelmed, he let out a few gin tears.

Gin mistakes only bring only gin tears.
by JustMe23 May 4, 2009
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