34 definitions by JustAnotherGuy

Mental condition wherein human beings see other human beings as filthy animals while seeing dogs as their brothers, sisters, or, most often, children. Condition may cause said persons to do the following:

- become filled with outrage when a dog is killed, even accidentally; however, when humans are killed or abused, they turn a blind eye to it.

- bring their dogs into restaurants and supermarkets and become outraged when told that their pet doesn't belong there, insisting it is "a member of their family" and that the store is discriminating against them.

- pay thousands of dollars for their pets to have treatments for cancer, but bemoan human beings "running up huge hopsital bills for their family" when trying to survive cancer.

- make hilarious statements such as "I would rather heaven was full of dogs than people," not realizing that such would mean they wouldn't be there, either.

- feed their dog from their dinner table and even let the dog take stuff right off of their plate, but get mad if someone "breaches protocol" by eating with their fingers or putting their elbows on the table.

It is important to note that Canine Dysfunction is not limited to dog owners, but can also affect the owners of any other type of house pet, both common and uncommon, in a similar fashion with regard to their animal of choice.
Some woman with canine dysfunction was carrying her poodle around the grocery store and made a huge scene when she was told that only Seeing-Eye Dogs were allowed in the store. It only got more awkward when she declared that she and her "child" were leaving and would be talking to a lawyer about a discrimination suit.
by JustAnotherGuy October 16, 2012
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A socio-political group that believes the best way to stamp out things like crime, unacceptable behavior, and other forms of social deviance is to legalize and/or accept everything. However, the hypocrisy of Liberals stems from their intolerance of anything that is not a liberal; i.e., they accept anything but a conservative mindset.


1. Drug dealers will no longer be criminals if we legalize drugs, so let's do that.

2. Gays will no longer be ostracized if we legalize gay marriage, so let's do that.

3. Christians are an awfully intolerant lot; let's outlaw Christianity in public places like schools and judicial institutions.

Another political core attribute of the Liberal is to exploit demographics to gain power. This is accomplished by convincing low-income, no income, and/or non-residents (read: illegal aliens) that the rich somehow owe them something, but that the benefit comes from the Liberals and not from the rich who are actually footing the bill. So when the voting booths open, all the people who don't work for a living vote for more people who don't work for a living so that those who do work for a living can work their asses off to support useless people.

This can be seen in the government's "Section 8 Housing" program, where foreigners move to the United States with their 5 children, no husband, and are immediately set up in a free apartment with free food stamps, free health coverage, and free Cox High-Speed Internet and Digital Cable. Don't believe me? I audit Section 8 Housing for a living. I see it first hand. You, the taxpayers, are getting fucked in the ass and not even being kissed first.

Yet another important note about Liberals is that they flaunt surpluses as if the money came out of Heaven like the Manna of the Old Testament. They fail to tell you that an $80 Billion surplus doesn't mean they're frugal, it means they overcharged the taxpayers $80B. Sorry you can't pay your rent, but hey, at least there was an $80 Billion surplus so the government must be doing something right.

The final thing I'll note about Liberals is that they will get all offended by this definition, thinking it implies Conservatives are smarter and/or always right, which is purely not the case. Both sides suck in their own particular way, welcome to human nature.
The Liberals are for Big Government, Big Taxes, Big Spending, and Big Talk. They disguise this by accusing the Conservatives of being Big Brother.
by JustAnotherGuy February 19, 2005
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What people who don't think they need to be forgiven for anything call people who think they'll be forgiven for everything. Normally it's fun to point out hypocrisy, but when the person doing so is being a hypocrite in the process, it threatens to break the Logical Shitstorm Continuum.
"Godless people like to point out all the just-in-case Christians, yet they're no better since they don't think they require forgiveness for anything. Must be nice to always have a clear conscience because you're your own god."
by JustAnotherGuy February 3, 2010
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Refers to "Christians" who will "Like" any picture of Jesus, because it involves almost no thought and even less effort, but who post arguments against Bible verses or in support of things that go against Biblical principles. In essence, a Facebook Christian is like a Lip-service Christian, except even worse, because a Lip-service Christian at least knows Bible verses and can talk a good game, whereas a Facebook Christian only knows how to "Like" pictures of caucasian, hippie Jesus posted by such pages as 1-800-Smak-dat-hoe and FML Daily.
Liking pictures of Jesus only makes you a Facebook Christian; you have to actually believe what the Bible says to be a Christian.
by JustAnotherGuy March 28, 2013
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A day's worth of activities including looking at brown rivers, old crumbling mills, a windmill they stuck on the side of the interstate, a thoroughly unimpressive skyline, a bunch of wood fires set out on the water, and wrapping it up by driving past the Big Blue Bug on the side of I-95S. Wow.
"It's hard to believe that Rhode Island Tourism is real, especially when you consider there's nothing here and most of the out-of-state plates you see are really just residents dodging the vehicle tax."
by JustAnotherGuy March 8, 2010
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Osama bin Laden; taken from a comedy song that parodies "Oh Susannah" and makes fun of Osama bin Laden.
"Oh bin Laden,
You fucking make me gag;
You're like ten pounds of camel shit
In a nine pound bag."
by JustAnotherGuy February 2, 2005
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Nature's version of welfare recipients.
Seagulls and welfare recipients are a lot alike...they both sit around waiting for handouts, spawn uncontrollably, and make a lot of noise that irritates the shit out of everything around them.
by JustAnotherGuy October 26, 2012
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