3 definitions by Just Tina

A person is so hott, the only word you can use to describe them is the result of what happens when you think about shagging them.
Kemi: OMG that guy was just Jizzum! daym!
by Just Tina January 20, 2011
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To slap someone on the forehead, with such immense power that it leaves them flabbergastered
Tom epically Spamed Frank so hard that Frank forgot what day it was
by Just Tina January 20, 2011
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it's a way of saying something is good.

for people who like to use unconventional ways of speaking.
Ella: Hey Justina, how're you?

Justina: I'm Gravy man! What about you Homz

Ella: Man i'm Gravy

Justina: kool
by Just Tina January 20, 2011
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