57 definitions by Jules

Noun: Shoes that used to be an expression of individuality, but are now an overused fad.
Valley Girl: Oh my God! Like, where did you get your new converses? I have to get a pair!
by Jules March 6, 2005
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he loooooves the gech
by Jules June 6, 2003
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Noun, derived from "nubile".

Collection of young (but legal) attractive females. Ready for some good partyin' and good lovin'.
"That teeny bopper rave party should at least offer some nice nubilia"
by Jules June 8, 2004
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A guy who doesn't give a damn
Why are you a pappa-bas?
Why are you kissing the titanic?
by Jules March 11, 2003
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A.K.A Ryan Dunn. A man in his late 20's willing to jump in vats of shit and or fish for the amusement of other. Is also willing to insert small toys into certain parts of his body for fun.
The Random Hero can also be likened to a garden gnome (albeit a cute one)
see jackass, jackass the movie, CKY, Viva la Bam or Haggard.
by Jules January 4, 2005
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to place ones scrotem in to her mouth, and then dab the drips upon her for-head,

try it she loves it!
"i gave Lydia a t-bag and doubled dipped"
by Jules November 23, 2003
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the condition of being inebraited, particularly likely in cananda, symptons include stumbling, vomiting, and being escorting out of clubs and bars by staff members
Why is Ashley always schwasted?
Please don't kick us out for being schwasted.
by Jules March 12, 2004
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