32 definitions by Judge Fudge

1) the act of a man retrieving his semen from someone else's anal cavity via an auxiliary device, typically a straw, and then either consuming it or orally passing it on to his partner.

2) the act of inserting a small rodent through a tube into one's anus and blowing crack through said tube, exciting the animal's brain to abnormal levels of activity causing it to have repeated muscle spasms and in doing so give the feltcher great pleasure.
1) i found my uncle feltching his friend in an elevator.
2) it is important to shine a bright light into the anus to draw the rodent out in case it OD's.
by Judge Fudge December 19, 2005
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London slang north side
see bump
could also be susbstituted for 'how gay is that'
: 'my mum won't let me come blaze tonight'
:'what a glitch dude'
by Judge Fudge January 2, 2005
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London slang, usually north/ east sides.
- v. meaning 'allow' but in the sense of a command. eg. 'cept me' would mean 'allow me to have' or 'give me'.
(derived from 'accept')
: cept me the zut bro
by Judge Fudge December 29, 2005
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London slang. exclamation, meaning similar to like 'wow' or sum shit like that. expressing surprise.
dude a) theres some hench fight gwanin outside!
dude b) rahted! cumwego wit dem! (lets join in)
by Judge Fudge December 14, 2004
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