20 definitions by Journey Fan

The 2004 presidential candidate who, if he had been elected, would have been:
-the ugliest American president, beating out either Abe Lincoln or Zachory Taylor.
-The first non-Christian president.
-The first president to betray his country and protest it's military efforts.
-The most cowardly president that would take no action whatsoever against terrorist attacks on American soil.
-The most divisive president that led to a second civil war in America; this time it would be a military conflict between Red and Blue states.
Thank the Lord that John Kerry is not the president. Otherwise, I would currently be dead, most likely after a plane with an Arab terrorist crashed into the Key Tower and the building fell on me in the streets.
by Journey Fan May 11, 2005
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Something that Ted Kennedy is immune to. This guy is so drunk, brewries have to work double-overtime! He has been drunk so many thousands of times he never feels hangovers anymore.
Anyways, hangovers are the physical results of drinking too much alcohol the night before. A hangover is usually a throbbing headache, that may feel like a migraine.
Some guy: Oh, my head. I hate hangovers.
His girl: Here, hon. Take a chasir caplet.
by Journey Fan August 14, 2004
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1.) n.: A total asshole, jerk, or jackoff (or jagoff).
2.) n.: A guy's dick.
3.) v.: To poke something with a sharp or edged object.
Stop being such a prick! No wonder she don't like you!
....his favorite trick was to stand on his prick and roll around on his balls.
I pricked the balloon.
by Journey Fan December 3, 2004
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A popular cartoon T.V. dad on the FX show King of the Hill. He lives with his family Peggy (wife), Bobby (son), Ladybird (dog), and Luanne (niece) in the fictional Texas city of Arlen. He is a true, hard-working, tell-it-like-it-is American dad. His best friends are Dale Gribble, Bill, and Boomhower. Hank is more conservative and right-leaning, and, as a result, has greater family values and stronger morals than others. His friends tend to do stupid or mean things that often piss him off.
Hank: Dammit Dale! I'm gonna kick yer ass!
Me: Why does it always have to be about you and asses? (laughter)
by Journey Fan May 26, 2005
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A popular cartoon T.V. dad on the FX show King of the Hill. He lives with his family Peggy (wife), Bobby (son), Ladybird (dog), and Luanne (niece) in the fictional Texas city of Arlen. He is a true, hard-working, tell-it-like-it-is American dad. His best friends are Dale Gribble, Bill, and Boomhower. Hank is more conservative and right-leaning, and, as a result, has greater family values and stronger morals.
His friends tend to do stupid or mean things that often piss him off.
Hank: Dammit Dale! I'm gonna kick yer ass!
Me: Hank Hill is awesome!
by Journey Fan May 12, 2005
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The last name of the lovely, first black woman Secretary of State. Condoleeza Rice can be referred to also as the "Third most powerful person in the US Government", as she is just under President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
I love to eat rice. I also love the gorgeous woman Condoleeza Rice.
by Journey Fan March 29, 2005
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A Hick:
-May or may not be intelligent or somewhat educated
-Doesn't go to KKK meetings
-May or may not be imbreeded
-Wears overalls and straw hats
-Doesn't always wear shoes
-Are lucky to have a computer
-Might be seen chewing on a hay straw
-Doesn't drink beer; drinks moonshine
-Doesn't live in trailer parks like rednecks; quite a few live in suburban houses, but most live in the southern foothills, Appalachia, and vast farmlands throughout the Midwest.
-Is less racist and bigoted towards differences, but is still serious about defending whatever their particular way of life may be
-Are usually more hospitable, especially in the mountains of the South, or the massed farms of the Midwest.
-Aren't always as violent as rednecks.
I went down to eastern Tennessee and saw a bunch of hillbilly-ish people, but they were all nice to me, and they were all wearing shoes. I heard some talking about how stupid the KKK was...
by Journey Fan August 13, 2004
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