4 definitions by Joseph Stalin

The funny uneducated guy that loves dogs and is religiously Jewish but loves communism.
You look so like mr.richmond!
by Joseph Stalin April 22, 2019
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a time in a young boys life when he begins to weight lift and grow boils on his upper arm and have armpits full of aids.
God, i hate my life ever since i became a pinho.
by Joseph Stalin April 22, 2005
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One great masterpeice by the ever popular metal-core band CONVERGE.
The breakdown in concubine was really spiffy!
by Joseph Stalin March 17, 2005
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1.A fat, overweight, hideously unattractive, OMG I R TEH HAXXOR low-level computer user who wouldn't know FTP if it slapped it's cock in her pimply face, and doesn't even know what a port is.

Plays DDR all of the time. Plays videogames poorly. An overall horrible person, who wants people to join her awn-ee-may club.


Witness the whiny butter here.

"That bitch is -such- an Eimi."
by Joseph Stalin September 15, 2004
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