33 definitions by JormanThoad

Friends of yours who shit on everything, no matter what.
I thought this party was great, but noted nofuns Mitch and Jimmy had to harsh on it.
by JormanThoad March 21, 2017
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That one guy who insists that using all-caps is just emphasis as long as Zuckerberg doesn't have an italics function on Facebook.
"ALLCAPSLORD? Legendary outlaw? He's not yelling, that's just EMPHASIS!"
by JormanThoad May 7, 2019
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A gentleman, but with balls.
"Opens the door for her, pays for dinner, and fixes the cable? What a genitalman."
by JormanThoad March 14, 2019
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When you're done with dating.
"I have had it with men. I'm going to Space Ireland!"
by JormanThoad December 22, 2017
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Constantly talking about STAR WARS movies to an uninterested audience.
"Man, Dave will NOT stop jedisplaining about Luke in the last movie. That dude needs a girlfriend."
by JormanThoad January 10, 2018
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Like an action movie poster, the generic marketing convention that adds excitement to any endeavor.
We have to blow the client away. We need Three. Words. Here.
by JormanThoad November 7, 2018
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