16 definitions by Jordandijinz0rz

What is said in response to a bad joke.
Dave: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Dave: Anyone, anyone?!

Dave: Because I'm Jewish!!!1

Everyone: Yark Yark Yark
by Jordandijinz0rz October 31, 2004
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A bathroom, or, if you're a real man, a tree or Jordan's car.
I am going to go use the urination station parked in front of Jordan's house.
by Jordandijinz0rz October 31, 2004
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Choosing to remain uninformed because the marginal cost of obtaining the information is higher than the marginal benefit of knowing it.

Commonly practiced by hicks that don't wish to change their point of views about ANYTHING.
"All dem blackies wanna do is steal turnips outta mah garden!"

"Those Muslims and Hin-don'ts are the devil!"

"Men are pigs!"
by Jordandijinz0rz January 31, 2005
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The awesomest way to spell chaos. Display how cool you are by spelling chaos in this manner.
Me: Let's go rain some choas all over Wal*Mart.

Syznak: Make sure ya get some dex!
by Jordandijinz0rz October 31, 2004
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Something that is rained every day possible. It almost always involves breaking the law and/or your moral standards.
We went and rained some chaos by throwing stolen diapers on Dave's lawn. This was followed by beer drinking and drug use and all around bad behaviour. Someday, someone will lose an eye because of this. It will probably be Jordan.
by Jordandijinz0rz October 31, 2004
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Crazy word said by a certain Spaniard. Meaning unknown.
Me: Uda how you be today do are?


Me: Very good is.
by Jordandijinz0rz October 31, 2004
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