10 definitions by Jonjo

WARNING:do NOT try this,we're unsure of the dangers

When you get kneel down and breath in and out really fast,you are bear hugged,lifted up and given a blowback.
You hold this in and then you get about 2 other people to prop you up horizontally and gently lower you down to the ground. This makes you semi-concious for a couple of seconds. Invented in Ireland by a Pot enthusiast
I got a Dizzylander and i feel great
by Jonjo November 18, 2004
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a cartoon series which was the brain child of Joe Murray. Told the tale of Rocko,a wallaby from Australia,who had moved to America. The cartoon featured surreal,exaggerated versions of the trials and tribulations of real life.
Man:Rocko's Modern Life,Eh? Sounds good.
Jonjo:It is. It contains surreal,exaggerated versions of the trials and tribulations of real life.
Man:That's deep.
by Jonjo January 16, 2005
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