53 definitions by Jon Davis

The state of being obligated to pay a debt.
No federal statute makes any American citizen living and working in one of the fifty states liable for an income tax.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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A group of people identified by a geographic area and an established government.
When nations make war against other nations, people die.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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The duty of office workers who work with, establish, or deal with the logistics of various tasks of the office.

Paper pushers.
The Bush Administration proceeded to create a new agency that studies how life could be created in primordial soup.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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1. I was chatting on IRC last night and this guy sent me a whole bunch of porn.

2. The IRC is a mish-mash of all kinds of drivel that supposedly imposes an income tax.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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An income tax that becomes more and more burdensome and/or complex over time.

Progressive income tax
The "progressive income tax" like the income tax system of the United States of America is one of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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Obtainment or increase of wealth.

The Constitution of the United States of America makes reference to income, but does not define it. No law in the USC defines income.

"Income" in federal courts is treated to suggest any acquisition of Federal Reserve currency, or acquisition of any thing that can be converted to Federal Reserve currency.
Income tax is a tax imposed upon incomes.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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Plural of income. Might be different forms of income.
The income tax is a tax imposed upon incomes.
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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