39 definitions by Johnny Rocketfingers

An abbreviation for Tokelau, a country 480 km north of Western Samoa.

They offer free domains at www.dot.tk but you still have to use a site like geocities for hosting.
by Johnny Rocketfingers October 11, 2003
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A letter Apple really seems to enjoy putting in front of every single product they sell.
by Johnny Rocketfingers September 18, 2003
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In Strong Bad e-mail 85, a wrestling type pay-per-view this Sunday in which Strong Mad will attempt to reclaim the heavyweight title from the tire.
Damn, even Tire Madness is better than that WWE shit.
by Johnny Rocketfingers September 23, 2003
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Bring your own *insert "B" noun here*.
However, I have seen people insert non-B words, because people really are stupid.
BYOB usually stands for Bring Your Own Beer, but some people can't grasp that concept.
by Johnny Rocketfingers December 2, 2003
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The computer Strong Bad answered e-mails with before it exploded. The Tandy gave away several secrets while sitting in the trash. It is now a ghost in Strongbadia.
The Tandy 400 was used for several e-mails after it exploded. It was eventually replaced by the Compy 386.
by Johnny Rocketfingers September 21, 2003
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A poorly spelled version of "girl".
Fuckwit123: OMG I LOKIN 4 A GRIL 2 CYBER W/!!!111
Ricket: I don't know any grills, but I do know a stove. Nothin' says lovin' like you cyber penis and an oven.
by Johnny Rocketfingers November 14, 2003
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Contraction of you is, a grammatical nightmare. Only used by teh morons and teh 1337.
by Johnny Rocketfingers September 4, 2003
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