10 definitions by Johnny DeWadd Watkins

Any sheltered person who does not know the meaning nor the the joy of MUNG
So this mungaloid catches us digging up a fresh one and all the bitch can say is "yuck, what are you guys doing?"
by Johnny DeWadd Watkins July 29, 2006
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Splooge-Tag is a game first made popular by the 1986 Van Halen Road Crew but anyone can play. The basic idea is to get a blowjob but at the end you pull out of her mouth and try to get as much in her hair as possible. If she asks why you pulled out tell her it was because you had too much respect for her to come in her mouth, Now, make sure there are no mirrors handy and when you clean her up make sure you do not touch her hair deposit. The last part is where you tell her you have to hurry because somebody needs to meet her. Eddie Van Halen worked great but a parent or Priest or whomever will also work. Hurry her to the meeting and introduce her by saying what a nice girl she then when she steps forward to try to shake hands you stand behind her pointing out the offending mass…really great fun for all!
That's John's sixth girl this week and it's only Thursday...that guy sure loves his Splooge-Tag!
by Johnny DeWadd Watkins August 2, 2006
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The very, very, very stinky shit you take when a mung load has passed through your digestive system.
I thought nobody would ever stop puking when I dropped that mung loaf I had been baking since last night.
by Johnny DeWadd Watkins July 31, 2006
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An expert on spunk than can tell the race, age, and time since last ejaculation just by the taste.
I taught that little Spunk Gourmet a lesson and ate a bunch of asparagus before she blew me.
by Johnny DeWadd Watkins August 2, 2006
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the stuff that aquirts out of your nose if you start laughing while swallowing a mung load.
We got him laughing so hard he mung milked all over his shirt.
by Johnny DeWadd Watkins July 29, 2006
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