46 definitions by Johnny Chingas

A close friend of all of us who always has a shit-eating grin on his face.
"The strangest thing is happening ! Someone keeps calling my cellphone and asking for Bug Fugger !!!"
by Johnny Chingas May 3, 2004
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What happens when you get in a car and want to go somewhere.
Vell, I turned the key, and zoop, schloop !! I vass at the Hofbrau Haus !!
by Johnny Chingas January 29, 2004
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This is a rhyming phrase that is commonly muttered while performing mundane household tasks.
burnupabowl, burnupabowl, burnupa-burnupa-burnupa bowl.....
by Johnny Chingas January 29, 2004
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First you take 5 crack hits, then you shoot up some skag, then you drink a quart of Scotch, and presto ! You're a nartist !
by Johnny Chingas January 13, 2004
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The hip spelling is ".nig" and can refer to any black-oriented media.
Did you hear that DJ at the .nig ?
Dude, download the rap at .nig !
.nig's drummer is the master jazzer !!
by Johnny Chingas May 9, 2004
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A type of "offbeat intercourse" where the cleavage is substituted for the nether regions.
I was going to give it to her in the butt but I tit-boffed 'er instead.
by Johnny Chingas March 23, 2005
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A large turd, and it's not left in the toiletsky too long.
Why did the boy thrust both hands in the toilet ?
Because it takes 2 hands, to handle a WHOPPER !!!
by Johnny Chingas March 23, 2005
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