40 definitions by Joey Orgler 3

A notorious and brutal midget porno, in which a man is severely raped and jerked off by a gang of retarded Jamaican dwarves. It ends with a barrel of spider monkeys released onto the man's exposed and bruised body. They tickle his asshole, which initiates the largest man spooge scene ever filmed. This porno was released in the late 1970's, and can be rented and viewed at your local smut store.
l1k3 dud3 br0! I totally just went down to my local smut store and rented 18 jamaican monkeys tickle my weiner!
by Joey Orgler 3 September 5, 2008
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Five or more having sex with each other at one time.
I was entry six in the Royal Rumble!
by Joey Orgler 3 February 4, 2008
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A notorious Chicago-based street gang founded in 1975. They are known for their infamous rivalry with the Eighth Street Ballers, and for curb stomping orphans.
Dontrell claimed Robo Bros, so I shot his ass.
by Joey Orgler 3 February 4, 2008
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John Cena is a current WWE superstar. He reappeared at 2008's Royal Rumble as entrant 30, and won. Despite his history of sex offense, domestic abuse, drug use, and peeping tom-ism, he remains ontop of his game. He defeats opponents with butt sex until they submit.
John Cena vs. The Great Khali vs. Hornswoggle, I can't wait.
by Joey Orgler 3 February 3, 2008
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An American cult film director who has experimented with a wide selection of genres. Critically, he seems to receive much praise for his films, most notable of which include The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nymphoid Nurses Get Nasty, Home Alone, and No Country for Old Men.
Ferdinand O'Hoolihan is one of my all time favs.
by Joey Orgler 3 July 28, 2008
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