78 definitions by Joel

N; a mouse, computer pointing device. Heard in the Weird Al song "It's all about the Pentiums".
I was just clicking the mizzouse, and BAM! windoze locked up again.
by Joel April 22, 2004
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v. i was doodleing your mom
n. lets go smoke some doodles
by Joel November 20, 2002
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imaginary substance asked for when someone is acting up, usually followed by another person putting this imaginary substance into his hand

Substance used to keep one's pimp hand strong
"You talkin' shit?? Hey John, gimme my powder"
by Joel April 14, 2005
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1) A person from Massachusetts
2) A terrible driver
3) All of the above
Drive through Boston, and the meaning of the word will become clear.
WHAT THE HELL that fucking masshole just cut me off!
by Joel June 10, 2004
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It means you cant afford nothing and wear cheap clothes and crappy brands. OR its a nice way to say come on lend some money.
"Man whata poor harder cunt, your clothes are crappy and holey"

"Im poor harder man, lend us some cash"
by Joel February 19, 2004
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one who has had sexual contact, sucked on, or otherwise been molested be a, one with a, or one who is a chode.
dude, she slept with Ricky the Chode? dude, she's totally a choded one.
by Joel February 27, 2003
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