2 definitions by Jobnob

The current incarnation of the Crusader class on the browser game Pardus. After their first few attempts at forming alliances to crusade with failed, Angels of Liberty was formed to attempt to somehow do some damage to the fun of Pardus players. Generally involved in heavy raiding, and known to associate with pirate alliances and Free Trade Syndicate alike.
"Angels of Liberty pilot spotted on Zirr!"

"Quick, rally the defense squadrons and repel the vile scum!"
by Jobnob February 10, 2009
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Also known as FTS, this is a hypocritical pirate alliance that is strongly opposed to free trade in the online game Pardus. Their name makes for some irony as they are renowned for their blocking of important sectors, general communist enforcement of trade prices, and restricting spawn points of powerful NPCs for their own members. Generally disliked by most Pardusians except for the Famous Pirate alliance.
"Dammit, my space farm just got raided by the Free Trade Syndicate!"

"Damn those pirates, they were probably after your bunnies!"
by Jobnob February 10, 2009
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