18 definitions by Jimmy Man

Jimmy: Hey bro, whatcha doing?

Tommy: Nothin much bro, just buying some brays online.
by Jimmy Man January 2, 2011
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Another word for an automobile. Also a famous quote from the 1987 John Hughes film "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"
Car Rental Agent: cheerfully Welcome to Marathon, may I help you?
Neal: Yes.
Car Rental Agent: How may I help you?
Neal: You can start by wiping that fucking dumb-ass smile off your rosey, fucking, cheeks! And you can give me a fucking automobile: a fucking Datsun, a fucking Toyota, a fucking Mustang, a fucking Buick! Four fucking wheels and a seat!
by Jimmy Man September 19, 2010
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Another word for Commando. To describe the act of not wearing any underwear under your pants.
Are you brave enough to go Braveass?
by Jimmy Man July 26, 2011
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The act of staying up all night and morning, up until dawn whilst playing a Call of Duty game.
Johnny: Hey bro, got anything planned for tonight?

Bobby: Yeah bro, I'm gonna cod till dawn bro
by Jimmy Man February 5, 2011
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Similar to a Maccas run, but with KFC instead.

It is the act of leaving your couch and going to KFC to get some food. Usually done in pairs/or group during the night.
Johnno: Hey bro, I'm hungry. You up for a Kafer run?

Robbo: Aight bro, lets go
by Jimmy Man January 5, 2011
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1. I'm starving. I'm gonna go get some Kafer.

2. Ahh shit, that Kafer almost gave me a heart attack
by Jimmy Man January 5, 2011
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