1 definition by Jhannwitdaplannn

The urge to keep in constant contact, observation, upkeep, or status of some-thing or one.
Person 1: “I dont want to follow her on every socialmedia account she might notice im copying a few things”
Person 2: “You sound fanned out if you like her style why not just say that & keep finding your own”
<person 1 is an example of fanned out>
Person 1: “Girl They spam liked all my photos - you think he wants my attention?”
Person 2 : “They either likes you alot, is interested, or wants to hear from you but you dont have to fan out about it or fangirl over it.”
<Person #2 is an expample of being fanned out >

Copying/mirroring lifestyle, outcome, and or personality & life history as a means to delude self from reality of life or events occuring while creating a delusion for yourself that if you copy someone they wont like you so you have to be an open supporting fan just in case others notice you engaging in the facade of minimizing yourself into things socially acceptable to be liked, loved, valued, virtuous, and or admired when engaging or viewed by those outside of your own perspectives.

Girl basically calming techniques or sensory techniques (sound, touch, taste, change in feeling) weather described or given in example that you have a connection to weather physically or mentally outside of spirituality and religion
by Jhannwitdaplannn January 29, 2023
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