1 definition by JessimoRW

1) When someone is over reacting.

2) When someone says something that can and will offend someone without giving a fuck.
1) "Hey Makayla did you turn in the homework assignment we had?"
"Oh shit I forgot! Now I'm gonna get an F on the assignment and ruin my A average and get kicked out of the course and then have to go to summer school and repeat a grade if I don't finish and then flunk out of school and then colleges won't want me because I'm a stupid repeatee so I won't get a degree and'll have to work at McDonald's for the rest of my life or become homeless and live in a box and turn crazy and be driven to heroin by my struggle and then die in my early 40s in the middle of the street. No one would be able to identify me though because of how much the heroin messed up my body. They would just pick up my body and bury me in some random ditch in front of a church."
"(ಠ_ಠ) The fuck?...wha-?... Makayla, you have no chill."

2)"Hey guys, what do you think about moving to New York after highschool?"
" Nobody would want to move to that dump of a city. Its population consist of half Niyada hopeful wannabe broadway show ponies and other half very persistent all-up -in-your-face give-me-money-now homeless people. And the air, it's just a concoction of rat feces, street corner Chinese takeout kitchen gas, and illicit cocaine that you have to breathe every second of the day. 😒"
"😦No New York then.... No chill, Taylor"
by JessimoRW August 27, 2016
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