129 definitions by Jesse

when you're burried in you're own crap!!!!!!!
in the book " zumbie bums from urennus:
by Jesse March 31, 2004
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The left side of the keyboard...quazx.com for more
qwazx is so l33t
by Jesse July 26, 2003
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Thass; the thigh / ass crease or more importantly the lack there of.
Her ass has become one with her thigh , where there was once once a seperation there is no more.
by Jesse February 21, 2005
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"Yo J-dag how you doin mang?"
by Jesse November 16, 2003
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used when speaking in a sort of code is a must. used to refer to tits, breasts, boobs, mammary glands or whatever else you want to call the sweet sweet mounds of glory on a female's chest.
Hey Jimmy, peep that dame over there she has nice teeth, but don't let ya girl see you.
by Jesse February 14, 2005
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to caress in a sexual or mechanical way; to hit the crone; to play twayns
don't towtch that, haynds awwff
by Jesse October 24, 2004
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principal: whats this ruckus?
student: I didnt hear a ruckus
principal: I heard a ruckus
student: can you describe this ruckus?
by Jesse April 22, 2004
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