150 definitions by Jess

A term used to describe one who is a novice at something, not good at something, ultimately a loser.
The JV cheerleaders are such squids.

That freshman epitomizes the word squid.
by Jess January 21, 2005
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don't worry about it- it ain't worth it
Hey man don't even trip, that hoe was askin to get knocked up.
by Jess December 1, 2003
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An imaginary pig who wears nike shoes and talks with a british accent.
Have you seen awnold? I can't find him.
by Jess April 18, 2005
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A word to say when you are stupidly bored...
*deafening silence*
person: Urglegurk
everyone: LAUGHS
by Jess August 31, 2004
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a best friend, someone you put a lot of trust in.
you're my ace boo coo man i know you won't repeat that!
by Jess January 30, 2005
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means sex started by girls in welwyn garden so they could talk bout it round parents/teachers
me and my boyfreind are avin chipz 2nite

i want chipz
by Jess November 29, 2004
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Pretty cool country really. Thankfully is going after those terrorist SOB's unlike SOME (cough cough FRANCE cough cough). Powerful country and ally of the U.S.
People from Russia have cool accents.
by Jess February 8, 2005
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