2 definitions by Jaximo

(N.) A state that is far worse than standard doom. If you are having an experience revolving around doomba, then it is your extreme displeasure to be experiencing it.
Person 1: Why are you on the ground holding your crotch?

Person 2: Some asshole just kicked me in the nuts.

Person 1: Wow, that must be a doomba experience.
by Jaximo October 18, 2010
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The act of stabbing another person in a non-specific body part with the tip of his or her fingers. The victim usually rendered helpless, confused, or shocked after the fact.
Person 1: Hey, my sister just fiji'd me.

Person 2: Where?

Person 1: In the gooch.

Person 2: You got pwned bitch.
by Jaximo October 12, 2010
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