19 definitions by Java

Someone who defies normality when using the bathroom (usually at a college dorm or a frat) by pooping in the wrong places, usually near the toilet.

Preferred places for a Fecal crusader:

Floor on Side of Toilet
Toilet Paper Dispenser
Shower Area
Floor Behind Toilet

Also, someone that we want to beat up SO MUCH, but always disappears before we discover his fecal carnage.
Java: Hey man, why's the door locked?

Printz: The Fecal Crusader struck again!

Dondo: Yeah, he was s----ing off the side of the f---in' toilet.

Java: Did you see anyone run?

Braaten: Nope!

Java: Wow, he goes in and out so fast he probably doesn't even wipe! If you caught the Fecal Crusader, what would you do with him?

Printz: I'd invite him to sleep with me just so I'd kill him.
by Java June 23, 2004
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1.) A word commonly associated with neopets. It is short for 'restock' and used often when one is restocking in a team. When 're' is announced, the others of the convers are provoked to shut up to prevent lags.
Shhhh, its re!
by Java February 16, 2003
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1.) A term used by gods to humiliate one, or make one feel inferior to you.
2.) A word at random, just to fill in a blank space in a sentance or to shut some1 up.
Roy is a poohead when he disobeys god!
*mumble mumble* POOHEAD! *mumble*
by Java February 16, 2003
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a Military Base.

There are more concentrations of Ricers at a Military Base than no other.

The only vehicles that "win" are tactical vehicles, and that's during combat, not a street race. The rest of the vehicles completely lose in every street race.
When I visited a military base, I saw Ricers Galore! Everywhere I turned, there were ricers! Ricers beside me, in front of me, parked over there, EVERYWHERE!!!!

You know, our soldiers can win battles but usually never Street Races!! Why? Because the car they usually race with is just a ricer!!

If there were street races there, the few Mercedes and BMW imports in the race are the winners in the end.
by Java October 16, 2004
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What you find a LOT of in a Military base.

Our soldiers may win in combat but lose in street racing as much as the Iraqi Insurgents do when they're in combat.
See Ricerland.

Everywhere you look in a Military base, you see Ricers.
by Java October 16, 2004
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