19 definitions by Java

A name that will forever serve as a memorandum among Ethel, Walter and MQ
Oooo, I am walter, a foolish 79-year old wanna-be sea captain... I want my Aye!
by Java February 16, 2003
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Beyond and better than Diesel. If someone's Fuel Cell towards you, they like you more than a friend.

See Girlfriend or Boyfriend.
Whoa, you're big pimpin', Enrique! Those girls are definitely being fuel cell towards you. If I used your tactics without practice, they'd turn gasoline in a matter of seconds!
by Java September 7, 2004
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Gasoline: Hostile

Gasolinism: Hostility

Gasolinic: (adjective) Hostile


0-25%: Premium (A little hostile)

25-50%: Midgrade (Somewhat hostile)

50-75%: Regular (Pretty hostile)

75-100%: Leaded (SERIOUSLY hostile! You don't want Leaded!)

100-up%: JET FUEL! (Aahh, I'm not even gonna go there!)

For opposite definitions, see "Diesel".

Dondo: Java, Buzz off!!

Java: Man, Adam! That's a sign of Gasolinism- right there! So, how Gasoline are you?

Dondo: Pretty Gasoline!

Java: All right then. (leaves)

Java: Guys, Adam's Gasoline rating is at Regular Unleaded. Why is this and what can I do to make him Diesel again?


Friend: Daniel is having major problems with his girlfriend. She's been fighting and cheating on him.

Java: So, how Gasoline is she?

Friend: She is really, highly, and EXTREMELY Gasoline!

Java: Well, beyond Gasoline would be Jet Fuel...

Friend: Yes, She is JET FUEL!!
by Java September 7, 2004
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Beyond Gasoline. If someone's Jet Fuel towards you, they're being more than hostile- they're being a complete C-less Castle.

Also "permagasoline". (but not always. Usually just "feels" permanent.)
Hypothetically, lets say I was having a bad day and was "gasoline" towards
you. If, at that time, you were to spray me in the face with diesel fuel from a squirt bottle, it would result in an instant eruption of violence, as well as putting me into a Jet Fuel mood towards you. And I can tell you
that most people who are not paralytically timid would react in a similar manner. Under no circumstances to any person would such an action improve your standing with them.

ADD-ON: I'd suggest buying Diesel brand clothes instead. That may lower peoples' gasolinism, depending on the person and fashion choice.
by Java September 7, 2004
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Leetspeak (13375p34|<) for the 3-letter word for "donkey" or your rear end in your nether region.
Someone deserves a good swift kick in the 455!

That 455 Cubic-Inch engine kicks 455 and the 454 outta the water!

And what the heck is an "ASA engine" anyway?
by Java February 11, 2005
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Another Non-Offensive swear:

"C-less Castle"

If you say "Castle" without the "C", although the spelling would be "Astle", when you pronounce it out loud, the phoenetics would make it sound like you're saying (the obscene 7-letter "A" word).
"You know what you are? You're a C-less Castle."

"What's that?"

"Say 'Castle' without the 'C'"

"Umm, 'Astle'?"

by Java July 16, 2004
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Dreaded and feared by all, this monster-byatch does not deserve to live.
I'm gonna murder the sf!
by Java February 16, 2003
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