4 definitions by Jason001

1. LEGENDARY DIVA who has thankfully ditched her ugly ass, broke, woman beating husband, Bobby "Eternal Crackhead" Brown.

2. She was the MOST SUCCESSFUL FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIME up until 1999, which was when her personal troubles began to overshadow and subsiquently negatively affect her unmatched success. She has since ditched her stupid ass ex husband/enabler and is finally turning her life around for the better. She is recovering her Legendary voice, is sounding better and working on a Comeback Album with Music Industry Legend Clive Davis.

3. Known as the "Greatest Singer of All Time", "The Greatest Voice of All Time" & "The Voice"

4. Living proof that there is a God.
Guy: Wow, Whitney Houston was such a doll in the 80's and 90's. What Bobby Brown did to her is a disgrace.

Friend: Yea it is. Thank God she left him.

Guy: I know, I would've kicked his ass if I ever met him
by Jason001 December 5, 2007
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1. Extremely talented singer who has unmatched vocal abilities.

2. The definition of FAT

3. Currently the Best Selling Female Artist of All Time

4. Is 5 pounds lighter than fellow Diva Aretha Franlkin

5. Was referred to as a clone of fellow Diva Whitney Houston early in her career due to their similar styles. These two would then go on to dominate the charts with just about anything they released.

6. Her fans call her Mimi, due to her successful album "The Emancipation of Mimi". Others call her Mimoo or Moomoo due to her unmatched size and fat face.

7. Has a questionable level of sanity due to her infamous breakdown in 2001 and her constant belief in rainbows, butterflies, faries and other imaginary creatures and obsession with the words LOVE and Fantasy

8. Diva who dresses like a Hooker Miss Piggy with clothes inspired by Crackhead Truck Stop Hookers. Also has an obsession with stripper stilettos.

9. A Good Singer
Dude 1: Mariah Carey is the only person I know who works out dressed like a hoe in them heels.

Dude 2: Yea, and she's still a fat-ass. It should be telling her something.

Dude 1: I'd still hit it tho

Dude 2: Yea
by Jason001 December 5, 2007
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Iconic American Entertainer who is one of the best selling artists of all time. She is not much of a singer, and for that is sometimes put down when compared to fellow Divas Beyonce and Christina Aguilera. She is however a much better dancer and all round entertainer than those two, and for that is known as more a Showgirl and Entertainer than a full on Singer. She can sing, but not strongly and for that reason, her singing is usually overshadowned by her performances. She has given the most memorable live performances by any artist from 1999 to 2001 and 2003. She has also had the top selling albums from 1999 to 2001 and a top selling album in 2003. In 2007 she has returned to music and is slowly putting focus from her personal life and towards her music.

She has made some dumbass decisions in life, and had every moment shown to us like a movie. They started with marrying a back-up dancer Kevin Federline aka "K-Fed" aka "Bobby Brown 2000". He impregnated her, stayed for two years until she dumped his ass. She then took her newfound freedom too gladly.

She then went onto crotch-flashing, head shaving, rehab hopping bliss. She then managed to lose her kids after some dumb cunt ex bodyguard wanted his share of the Spears Publicity Cash fund and told some stupid ass story, and also after Gossip Website TMZ showed her driving without "a valid license".

She has since started to clean herself up and is going all that is necessary to get her children back. She is sorting herself out while the media and dumbass tabloids continue to make up lies about her and ride the Spears publicity train.
Britney Spears was a girl who could do no wrong. Now she made some bad decisions, had them shown thru a microscope n now all basically think of her as Satan. She's troubled, but everybody goes thru that mess phase. She's gonna pull through.
by Jason001 December 5, 2007
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Guy who is UNDENIABLY GAY! and if anybody thinks otherwise, you really need to stop the drugs. Corbin Bleu talks and moves like a woman & sings like a chick. There is NOTHING straight about him. Try and find something.
"Push it, Push it! To the LIMIT, LIMIT!" THAT SONG IS SO GAAAAY!!! He OBVIOUSLY is talking about getting Zac Efron's cock up his ass. Corbin Bleu is a FAGET
by Jason001 December 5, 2007
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