52 definitions by Jamie Douglas

Means you're going: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right ...

Another excellent golfing put down.
"Into the trees again boyo, I didn't realise we were playing military golf"
by Jamie Douglas September 8, 2006
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In the United Kingdom, North of Birmingham. It's where the greatest people on Earth live.

Great northern people include Geoffrey Boycott, Sean Bean.

Great northern cities include Sheffield, Leeds, Sunderland, Manchester and Liverpool.

Great inventions in the north include Trains, TV's, Banapkins and Pie.

It is a well established fact that the north finished on the winning side of every war ever fought, including the alamo and Pearl Harbour.

The tell tales signs that you're in the north are gravy, bitter, violence, streets paved with gold and battered housewives.
Ooh Daddy, please can we move up to Sunderland, so at least my kids have a chance of being Northern!
by Jamie Douglas January 26, 2007
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adj. The words to be used when no other describing word will do. Powerful awesome things include cake, alcohol, football, and physics.

If anyone in a social situation describes you as powerful awesome you can immediately assume they are coming on to you. Be careful using this term in a single sex environment, unless you want some homo-action.

Powerul awesome is a term that has been used at many historical events: in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings, William heard of Harolds death and proclaimed 'I'm going to be a powerful awesome King'; on VE-day, Hitler was heard to say 'Ich bin nicht powerful awesome - argh!' which is German for 'the allied forces are too powerful awesome for me - argh'; in 1969 Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon and declared 'Houston, the moon is powerful awesome'; and recently I had a really nice bit of Chocolate pudding and said 'Mum, this cake is powerful awesome'.

Never use the term 'powerful awesome' in prison.
Jake: 'Mike just called you powerful awesome'
Phon: 'Poof!'

Grizzly Adams: 'How powerful awesome is this shelter I've produced!'
Mother Nature: '-'

by Jamie Douglas November 16, 2006
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The ultimate put down. Someone who has all the redeeming features of a rhinos rear end. Derived from a combination of the phrases arse (meaning backside) and clart (meaning a person).
Bill: "I can't make it to the pub tonight"
Karl: "Oh, you arseclart!"

"Oh no, that arseclart just threw up in a taxi! What a mess!"

Famous arseclarts include George W Bush, David Cameron and Dido.
by Jamie Douglas March 6, 2007
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Beer farts are the product of drinking too much beer, especially but not exclusively bitter.

They are incredibly smelly and frequent, and make your bum itch.

Beer farts are the worst thing to develop on a date, unless you feel comfortable blaming noxious odours on your partner.
John: "Bloody hell Jim, after those bitters last night I've been farting all morning!"
Jim: "Me too - the beer farts are coming thick and fast!"

What's that smell? Beer farts.

Man: "It's so good of you to agree to go out with me."
{Cue uncontrollable beer farts}
Woman: "Was that you?"
Man: "No you smelly ogre, it was you!"
by Jamie Douglas January 18, 2007
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Golfing term. Means "it's up there, but you're not proud".

When one hits a total duffer, but it trickles along the ground and onto the green, one has hit a sister shot.
"Wow, that sister shot has set you up for par!"
by Jamie Douglas September 6, 2006
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A really, really, really, really pasty white skin tone. When someone gets an xbox they invariably spend too much time indoors playing it, and the lack of sunlight they recieve results in a lack of melanin in the skin, turning them albino white.

Hilariously, this insult should be applied to people who through no fault of their own cannot develop a dark tan, such as the elderly, ginger-haired folk and computer nerds who should know better.
Max: "Hey, look at that pasty white guy"
Bubba: "Yep, he's sporting a real xbox tan"
by Jamie Douglas September 6, 2006
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