158 definitions by Jamie

Singular of sheep. Very dangerous when corned and good at running infront of cars in Devon.
What's that shep doing in the middle of the road? Wonder if I can hit it....
by Jamie April 4, 2004
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A HeCkA CoOl SeXi fReShMeN tHaT gIrLs CaNt KeEp ThEiR hAnDs OfF of!...
What a sexi loser thAT Doggo kid is.
by Jamie November 15, 2004
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1. A SuPeR sExI FrEsHmEn SwEetHeArT oF A GuY tHat Any GiRl WuD bE lUcKy To HaVe.
2. No GiRl CaN kEeP HeR hAnDs OfF Of ThIs RaD SeXi BeAsT...(lIteRaLlY)
3. NOT AN ASSHOLE..no matter how much he thinks he is!
4. My BeStEsT BuDdY EvR dunnO WhAt I wUd Do WiThOuT tHiS GuY... I HoPe Ur WeEk StArTs GoIn BetTeR!!
DoGgO is SuCh a RaD SeXi BeAst AnD WaY CoOlEr ThEn AnYoNe ElSeS PaRtY BuDdY!
by Jamie November 18, 2004
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noun. An act by an individual, whether deliberate or inadvertent, that will most likely limit one's upward career potential.
John's coffee room chatter criticizing the company was overheard by upper management and quickly became a career limiting maneuver.
by Jamie August 13, 2004
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1. an extremely annoying, disgusting person
2. a weird looking 2ft tall monkey with a vagina for a face
'oh. dude. you're such a fucking cuntmonkey.'
by Jamie December 3, 2003
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A spine under a lot of pressure and in alot of pain.
Oh my SPOYN! I'm gonna get you for that!
by Jamie April 4, 2004
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sweetest, hottest, best guy a woman could ever ask for. the man of my life
i love you bryson
by Jamie March 24, 2004
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