18 definitions by Jamfetto

A term used in disgust when describing something you really don't want or had to do.

Butthay, I really liked the suppository they gave me just before the procedure!

Butthay, we didn't have to sit in the sewage that long!!!

by Jamfetto March 24, 2009
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The act of giving someone a "thumbs up" or one that gives theirself a thumbs up on a website.
No one was giving me a thumbs up on my report so I used the old thumbuptomy.
by Jamfetto April 7, 2009
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short for you're a friggin (or your "F" word of choice) idiot. Used for those who support idiotic ideas.
I was watching cable news listening to someone and the moderator should have just said ," YAFI YAFI YAFI".
by Jamfetto October 10, 2009
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What you utter when a small animal such as a Rabbit crosses your driving path or when you see an animal in traffic.
The rabbit crossed the road and my wife yelled out,"GO GO GO BUN BUN". "Missed it by that much", I said.
by Jamfetto March 25, 2009
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