18 definitions by Jamfetto

When all options are exhausted.
I've given them every idea imaginable but I think I'm fishing a dead pond.

by Jamfetto August 9, 2007
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The currently unknown factor that gives certain brands the competitive edge over another when compared with identical markers.
It's amazing how XYZ Company when compared to 123 Company don't match up evenly. 123 blows XYZ out of the water but XYZ has that brand pheromone working for it...yea baby.
by Jamfetto February 23, 2009
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That hesitation people have after leaving the drive-in window to check their order.
I hope this person doesn't McStop on me after this order.

Look at that,he did a McStop and all he ordered was a drink.

by Jamfetto August 8, 2007
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An individual who has no other point in life but to add information to people's wall, comment on everyone's images,presume that everyone cares about their specific point in life.
I didn't want to be rude and just axe the person from my frlend's list just because they're a faceoholic but they are testing my limits.
by Jamfetto December 16, 2008
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The common solution for companies when addressing any incoming Tech Call which is to completely restore a system to it's original state with no regard to information previously stored.
I incorrectly installed a driver but when I called tech support they wanted me to recover the entire system and they didn't even attempt to find an alternative solution. Wow, the typical IT Solution hits again..
by Jamfetto December 22, 2008
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Those that follow the request(s) by Stephen Colbert The Colbert Report blindly changing wikiality to his way of thought ever changing historical truth. Oh well it's a better way to go than what we've been doing ..
Pronouced "WICK-EE-BEAR"
The wikibert comes out and changes reality at the request of it's leader.
by Jamfetto February 3, 2007
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Another way of stating that you're Out of Office .
Dude,I'm Three O for the week catch ya later.
His/Her Three O is still on .. we need to text him/her to change her status..
by Jamfetto October 15, 2008
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