19 definitions by James299

Something said when you are obviously that stupid
Person 1: You know movies aren't real, right?

Person 2: Yes, I'm not that stupid
by James299 July 27, 2016
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The son of an orange-haired orangutan...who gave him "a small loan of a million dollars". Proof that Republican delegates are stupid
Person 1: Donald Trump's running for president

Person 2: *shoots self*
by James299 June 9, 2016
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A sex position that allows once dick to fuck millions of people at the same time.
I’m becoming a Tory so I can fuck the whole UK.
by James299 April 30, 2022
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A phrase said when you need a reponse but can't think of anything else to say
Person 1: I'm going shopping

Person 2: Fair enough
by James299 July 28, 2016
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