537 definitions by James

Posh Mans Wank.
A wank with a condom on
He couldn't be arsed to clean up after him so he wore a condom
by James March 11, 2003
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the process of inserting your finger into a female. also known as finger banging or fingering
johnny was finger blasting his girlfriend.
by James October 29, 2003
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noun, a person who fuck aeroplanes. Only used when refering to women pilots.
She was a terrible pilot, a true aerosexual.
by James January 26, 2004
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Slang for police. Origin unclear, likely derived from the 1970's TV police drama "Hawaii 5-0" although it has been suggested to refer to the "5.0" emblems on Ford Mustang police cars used by many agencies in the late 1980's-1990's.
"Holy shit, 5-oh! 5-oh! Get those fighting cocks back in their cages!
by James October 19, 2003
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Usually A person that shows off in the public eye and does things just for the hell of it, usually dyeing hair regally. Commonly of gay sexuality
Look over at that show pony he/ she thinks they are so cool and better then you and me
by James April 15, 2004
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Sexual act, very classy. Involves sliding the penis between the breasts into the woman's mouth. Requires both parties to be truly elite.
The other day at the social club, I went for a spinning cosmonaut.
by James March 28, 2004
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