537 definitions by James

a pathetic loser.
some claim that molemen live in the sewers, eat poop and get constantly cheated on them by their overwieght lovers. This description may contain a certain amount of hyperbole.
Importantly, they pass out and get drawn/painted/peed on

see booth
friend 1:"did you see see jeff last night?"
friend 2:"yeah, he passed out and got cocks drawn on his face"
friend 1: "he's such a MOLEMAN
by James November 16, 2003
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Abreviated version of ;_;
I lost my job and now I am crying. ;;
by James August 22, 2004
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The 5'11" 115 pound white guy in prison for beating up his wife and raping his 12 year old daughter.
OK John, You're in cellblock 9 with Bubba and Big Jeb. We took the liberty of embroidering your orange jumpsuit with "prison bitch"
by James October 19, 2003
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He is GOD...
The G in G-spot stands for Graffenburg
Graffenburg, in his time gave women the most pleasure, but now its me.
by James March 11, 2003
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Skat, usually used in assosiaton with raps comes from Skinny Raps merging with Phat Raps to form this supergroup.
"Skat Rap Records, the only record label"
by James February 27, 2005
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When you fuck a woman with her legs as wide as possible
Are you flexible?
Lets do eagle wings
by James March 10, 2003
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