51 definitions by JakeStar

A phrase in which "big men" from Texas (see George W. Bush) will use in defense of their state.

Little do they know that it was a slogan coined in the 1960s by Ladybird Johnson in a highway beautificatoin campaign. So when you hear some macho cowboy say this, what they mean is "Please dont litter in my state."
I'll mess with Texas all I want! I just won't defenestrate my garbage.
by JakeStar April 22, 2005
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A run-down boarding house for bums, hobos, and other transients. Not used anymore.
"Get those street-Arabs out of my shop and into the flop-house where they belong!"

Angry shopkeep, c. 1890
by JakeStar July 18, 2005
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Spinoff of VH1's hit series, I love the 80's, it consists of semi-celebraties reminissing about the not-so-distant past. Has a very misleading name. Should be called "I thought the 90's were kinda cool when they were happenening but now is the ideal time to make snide remarks about them"
Semi-celebraty: Braveheart is about Mel Gibson painting himself blue, and leading the Scots to victory. Isn't that wacky?
by JakeStar May 5, 2005
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A tool that is only deadly if used for its intended purpose.
"A gun is a tool, no different from a baseball bat, or a meat cleaver, or ... an alligator!"

-Homer Simpson
by JakeStar May 11, 2005
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Carved into at least 90% of desks in Junior High Schools across the country. Backwards "R" mandatory.
"koRn is an accurate representation of the the agnst I feel as a white, susburban 13 year old" *carve, carve*
by JakeStar May 4, 2005
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A board game they sell at Starbucks. Best played with a group of friends while drunk.
Good thing triple sec wipes slides off the Cranium board so easily!
by JakeStar September 11, 2006
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People who live adjacent to you.

They may live next door, down the road, on the other side of the wall, on top of you, or below you.

They can be nice, rude, outgoing, shy, or cool. They may bake plates of browines or cookies for you. They may have sex a lot. They may blast shitty music at unreasonable hours. You may hang out with them a lot. You may never see them.

Weather you love them or hate them, you had better learn to live with them, because they live so close to you, after all.
Make sure that your neighbor isnt a serial murderer/rapist.
by JakeStar April 28, 2005
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