24 definitions by Jahamez

A nickname for Leachate, which is created when water percolates through solid material, mostly trash in landfills.
Me (sees all the leachate collected): man, look at all that trash coffee, you don’t want that going into the water supply.
by Jahamez February 1, 2021
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A person who has very strong arms and typically muscular
My gosh, Tyson has very strong crane arms, he can lift a fridge
by Jahamez July 20, 2019
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A drug lord, typically one that mostly deals with cocaine
“ You know that wanker Diaz, The Bugle Master. He's got your boy, Lance. Word is your mate tried to jump him...didn't jump high enough if you know what I mean.”
-Kent Paul, GTA Vice City
by Jahamez January 12, 2021
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The one kid in front row at the movies who screeches and cries throughout the entire film and never gets reprimanded or kicked out. -idontwannaknow
Travis is such a SpectrAlert Advance when he doesn't get his way, he almost broke the windows
by Jahamez April 20, 2019
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An annoying, college aged hipster that objects to all traditions, and thinks that most flags are racist.
Conservative: “Puts up Gadsden flag in yard”

Annoying Liberal Next door: OMG that flag is so anti feminist, anti gay and racist! I though racism was extinct!!
by Jahamez April 13, 2020
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An Item or object that is beyond repairable or badly damaged
by Jahamez May 8, 2019
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