187 definitions by Jafje

1. Unsure about outcome: Not sure about an outcome or conclusion.

2. Possibly dishonest or immoral: Likely to be dishonest, untrustworthy, or morally worrisome in some way.

3. Of uncertain quality: of uncertain quality, intention, or appropriateness.
1. I was a little dubious about whether or not to trust him.
2. It's a dubious proposition.
3. The thesis is based on several dubious assumptions.
by Jafje March 31, 2007
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The process of dividing up open or common land, farmed in strips, into small enclosed fields owned by induviduals.

Enclosure happens in third-world-countries.
by Jafje May 10, 2007
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1. Impossible to get in or through: Not able to be passed through or entered.

2. Incomprehensible: Impossible to understand or discern.

3. Closed to influence: Not open to intellectual or moral influences, impressions, or ideas.
1. The woods formed an impenetrable barrier.
2. An impenetrable legal jargon.
by Jafje March 31, 2007
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1) Suggesting physical hardship: imposing or suggesting physical hardship.

2) Unsmiling: grimly unsmiling, humorless, or suggesting strict self-denial.

3) Plain and without luxury: plain and simple, without luxury or self-indulgence.

4) Plain in style or design: severely plain in design or lines, without distractions or decoration.

The monks lived an austere life in the monastary.
by Jafje June 6, 2007
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A defensive fortification made of an earthen embankment, often topped by a low protective wall.

To protect or fortify somebody or something with ramparts or something similar.
by Jafje April 10, 2007
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Euthanasia, (from Greek: åõèáíáóßá -åõ, eu, "good", èÜíáôïò, thanatos, death),is the practice of terminating the life of a person or animal in a painless or minimally painful way in order to stop suffering or other undesired conditions in life.

So in fact it's just ending someone's misery.
The man could have lived for another month, but the cancer had gone too far. They performed euthanasia to end his life withoug further pain.
by Jafje March 5, 2007
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