187 definitions by Jafje

1. Hard to understand: Difficult to understand because of not being fully or clearly expressed.

2. Indistinct: Not able to be seen or heard distinctly.

3. Unimportant or unknown: not important or well-known.

4. Known to few people: Unknown to most people, e.g. because of being hidden or remote.

5. Dim: dark, shadowy, or clouded.

1. An obscure passage in the manuscript.
2. Its outlines are obscure, but the object seems roughly cigar-shaped.
3. An obscure portrait painter.
4. An obscure object.
5. An obscure corner of the hall.
by Jafje March 31, 2007
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1. Part of tree growing from trunk.

2. Botany part of plant stem or root:

3. Something that resembles a branch of a tree in structure, but is NOT a part of a tree.

4. F.e. a store, bank, or other organization that is part of a larger group and is located in a different part of a geographic area from the parent organization.

5. Distinct part of large organization: a subdivision of a large organization, usually with a specialized mission

6. A part of a large area of study.

7. A line of a family that is descended from a common ancestor.

8. Geography tributary stream: a river or stream flowing into another river.

9. Geography creek (mostly used by people from the Southern of the U.S.): a small stream or a creek.

10. Southern U.S. beverages drinking water: drinking water, especially from a clean spring or stream, and used particularly for mixing with bourbon.

11. Comput alternative instruction sequence: a sequence of computer program instructions in a set of alternative sequences that are activated according to specific conditions.

12. MATHAMATICAL part of curve: A distinctive part of a curve that is separated from the rest of the curve, e.g. by discontinuities or extreme points.


1. To divide somthing into smaller parts, or cause something to do this.

2. To grow branches.

3. To become involved in something new, especially as a way of extending or expanding personal interests or business activities.

4. Tto execute an alternative sequence of computer program instructions as a result of the detection of a specific condition.

1. A woody branch (small limb) of a tree that grows out from a larger limb or from the trunk.
2. A subdivision of the stem, root, or flower cluster of a plant.
3. The branches of the stag's antlers.
4. The account is held at the bank's Elm Street branch.
5. Each branch of the military has a distinctive history and reputation.

6. Ethics is a branch of philosophy.
7. F.e. the Peruvian branch of the family.
8. A branch of the Colorado River.
9. A branch runs through our lower pasture.
10. I'd like a branch.
11. A branch of numbers
12. To calculate a branch.


1. Part of the path branches off toward the river.
2. Branching.
3. The company has branched into the multimedia market.
4. Branching a sequence.

by Jafje August 22, 2007
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Officially: An offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's level of intelligence or education.

In slang: A person who is completely ignorant, an ass, a prik, idiot, etc.
by Jafje September 16, 2007
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Short for Central European Time.

It's +1 (London is 0), so it's 1 hour later in all of Europe, eccept for the UK where there's no CET.

It's 2 P.m. CET, so it's 1 P.m. in the UK.
by Jafje August 11, 2007
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Promising well for future: marked by lucky signs or good omens, and therefore by the promise of success or happiness.

The later school days of my friend were as auspicious as the first.
by Jafje September 12, 2007
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Dutch province, located in the South of The Netherlands.
In the province of Limburg, the Limburger cheese was invented.

I don't live in Limburg.
by Jafje May 5, 2007
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Limburgs: dialect simmular to Dutch spoken in the Dutch province of Limburg.
"Ik spreek Limburgs."
I speak the Limburgs dialect.
by Jafje May 5, 2007
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