7 definitions by Jacob TizZEmand

norwegian slang for homo
(can also be spelt "kaeskae")
youre a kæskæ
by Jacob TizZEmand December 1, 2003
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to turn imperial vehicles into ork vehicles ( used in a game )
shall we spend the evening to "loote" my basilisk?
by Jacob TizZEmand December 1, 2003
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got any bajs to sell?
by Jacob TizZEmand December 1, 2003
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a slang term used by some people for weed/hasj
shall we "eat" some "potetgull" tonight?
by Jacob TizZEmand December 1, 2003
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(spelt sjapå in norwegian)
a word originated from the word schpaa.
used mainly by nerds
wow, your new PC is really sjapaa!!
by Jacob TizZEmand December 1, 2003
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