99 definitions by Jacob

Napoleon Dynamite references are incredibly hackneyed
by Jacob January 7, 2005
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A term often used by surfers to describe the water condition when it has no chop. When the ocean is smooth.
Dude, the surf was overhead and glassy! It was so sweet!
by Jacob February 20, 2005
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the v-town base rapper that spits fire since dino urine
macaronic, inpecable, u feel me
by Jacob July 22, 2004
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Noodlefreed was created at a confrence of word creators. It has come to have three known definitions;
1. To become freed by a noodle.
2. To win a fight against/with a noodle which ultimatley frees you in the long run.
3. To use a noodle to escape to freedom
Bill was noodlefreed when he used a piece of spagetti to unlock the exit door of the pasta factory.
by Jacob December 22, 2004
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Usually associated with satan and hell etc. but is often philosophical and nihilitist, rather that just purely satanic. Highly technical and complicated form of music, which sounds harsh and raw because of harsh growly vocals and heavy use of distortion and bass on songs. All death metal songs and bands do not sound the same, each one has different riffs and every band has their own vocal style, because nobody growls/rasps the same as anybody else. Covers a wide age range (just go to a gig) and is not racist. (thats a minority of heaveily satanic black metal, e.g. Burzum, who believed in dominancy of the aryan populace of norway) Sepultura have a black singer currently so that screws that argument. Anyone who thinks that death metal is all the same, then they don't have to listen to it, and don't have to slag of fans of the genre for ENJOYING the music. We don't simply do it to look hard.
Possessed, Death, Morbid Angel, At the Gates, Nile, Cannibal Corpse to name but a few, all from different areas of the death metal spectrum.
by Jacob September 17, 2003
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