99 definitions by Jacob

commonly reffered to as trailer trash, or walmart shoppers/
1. gurl you po white trash!
2. You got so many cars up in your yard, I'm thinkin' you po white trash
3. see. incest
by Jacob April 2, 2005
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porno director
he's the best!!!!!!!!
i love rodney moore films
by Jacob March 7, 2005
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one whom is all "up" on the taints goin from taint to taint
man you one crazy taint roller how many you get last week?
by Jacob January 27, 2005
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random. that's all it is and all it'll ever be.
"that's so zoltron."
by Jacob November 16, 2004
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This is the TV shw that replaced the highly popular "The Screen Savers" from Tech TV. RIP Tech TV. Starring Kevin Rose, Sarah lane, and some other douchebag.
None... its a bad cable TV show.
by Jacob March 23, 2005
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1. One result of procrastination.

2. A type of behavior performed during daylight hours marked by extreme procrastination. It is characterized by the shuffling around one's house or dorm for many hours in search of meaningless activities with unnaturally short durations (e.g. getting a drink of water or eating chocolates every five minutes, watching the television, listening to music, or playing a game all for five minutes yet in ten minute intervals). Such behavior is caused by the ever-present threat of doing work and the fear that committment to any other activity might preclude one from performing the said assignment or studying. All actions are results of cognitive processes which derive from a mild form of schizophrenia.
(Nick's mental process): Peanuts. I love peanuts. *eats peanuts*. I need water. No, you need to start the assignment, now!. I don't want to start the assignment yet, though. *drinks water* I will eat some more peanuts. *eats peanuts*
by Jacob February 13, 2005
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