24 definitions by Jackson

This is an abbrevation for a Hokkien(Chinese dialect) foul term used widely in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and by those who can communicate in that dialect. Kan Ni Na Bueh Chao Chee Bye generally means fuck your mother's smelly pussy
"Kan Ni Na Bueh Chao Chee Bye", don't you know that human can't lay eggs.
by Jackson January 12, 2005
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THE worst word in the English / Thai language according to Cartman. "You know, that stuff you get as a appetizer at Thai food restaurants. "meecrob" is way grosser than "shit," dude. I'd scarf down a whole wet bucket full of shit before I ate another plate of meecrob."
Meecrob is really terrible to eat.
by Jackson June 9, 2004
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a rather large, bowling ball shaped whore who has a wedgie and likes to bitch
that bessma fucked jackson and his father
by Jackson May 5, 2004
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A word to describe someone who has a face that looks like a penis.
Have you looked in the mirror lately, penis face?
by Jackson January 25, 2004
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when semen is sent into the mouth during oral sex and comes out the nose
i got flinkalled last night - it felt sooo weird
by Jackson March 6, 2004
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A person who is consumed by an addiction. One who would rather buy drugs then take care of responsibilities like rent.
I'm sorry I do not have money for rent because I am broke. (although person has a bag of coke in their pocket)
by Jackson February 6, 2005
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A person who has a penis growing from their face.
Outta my way dick face!
by Jackson January 22, 2004
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