4 definitions by JackPot

Originated in Morrisville right outside of Trenton.
A blounde smut. She thinks it is a compliment because she likes muffins.
the smart one: "ur a smut muffin"
the blonde: "oh thanks for the compliment, i love muffins.
by JackPot September 10, 2004
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Yo, look at that guys body, ain't it ripped?
fo sure
by JackPot September 12, 2004
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A beautiful, sweet armenian girl whose cooler than ice (?)
by JackPot January 10, 2005
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1. Any free or extra goods, usually given to employees or workers.

2. Low grade marijuana

3. A rock & roll band based in St. Louis, Missouri
1. The whole crew got shirts and other schwag after loading the band's gear.

2. This schwag won't get me high, but I keep trying.
by JackPot February 17, 2005
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