26 definitions by Jack324

1. An important part of a Facebook profile, where friends can leave public messages for one another.
2. A terrible haircut, which is long and sticks up straight in the front, but is short everywhere else. Also known as a reverse mullet.
Jim: "Did you see that message I left on your wall?"
Ryan: "No, not yet."
Jim: "Well, it basically said that you have man boobs."
Ryan: "Thanks."
Jim: "That wasn't a compliment."
Ryan: "Oh."
by Jack324 October 9, 2007
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Someone who is half-Jewish; a combination of the words Jew and goy.
"Hey Mark, did you ever have a Bar Mitzvah?"
"No. I'm not that religious; I'm actually a Joy."
by Jack324 March 19, 2008
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quarters; so named because students often need quarters for laundry and vending machines.
"It's not that I'm too lazy to do laundry, it's just that I haven't got enough of that college gold."
by Jack324 November 3, 2007
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drug deals, not just pickles.
"Yo, my boy's down in Brooklyn makin' some dills, so we should have mad money for the club tonight."
by Jack324 February 6, 2007
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That's just the way things are, like it or not.
"I hate how the government feels like they have to monitor our every move."
"Hey, it is what it is."
by Jack324 January 14, 2009
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an online diary into which emo kids whine about their "horrible" lives.
Emo kid: My life sucks. I hate my parents. First they made me clean my room, and then they wouldn't let me watch TV until I did my homework! I'm going to bitch them out in my blog.
by Jack324 January 18, 2007
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A horrible lie spread by the Bush Administration to further their agenda.
"We have to stay in Iraq for another 15 years ...or the terrorists win."
"We have to keep marriage between a man and a woman ...or the terrorists win."
by Jack324 May 4, 2007
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