22 definitions by JVeverMind

1 is a loner.
1 is lonely.
1 represents loneliness.
1 always strives for the top.
...for a moment of realization that standing at the top is standing alone.
1 wants to be the only one.
1 is unique.
1 is a chance.
1 is one life we have.
1 is one heart we own.
1 is one death.
1 is isolation.
1 is so lonely.

Nobody can understand.
1 is one life, one heart, one love for 1. Actually.. 1 sometimes just wants time being alone.
October 03, 2021
by JVeverMind April 2, 2022
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222 symbolizes Zzz
It means I am sleepy today.

When I am exhausted, I sleep.
When I am upset, I sleep.
When I try to find you, I sleep.

I sleep to escape the unpleasant (or imperfect) reality.
I escape to the imagination world, to my fantasy, to the beautiful things that are often not visible to us...
...or can be seen by our own eyes.

«If one sense is lost/off, the areas of the brain that handle sensory information do not go unused — they get rewired and put to work processing other senses»

So I close my eyes.

I want to get lost in that beautiful ocean
Wander around..
Until I get caught..
And you direct me out... (before I drown)
Girl: Hi! I'm 222.
Guy: Me too. You didn't have enough sleep?
Girl: I was working on some projects. I only have an average of three to four hours of sleep lately.
Guy: You don't require sleep like most people? Sleeping feels so good.
Girl: I do sleep a lot. (I just have been thinking about you...)

by Renaissance® October 05, 2021
by JVeverMind April 19, 2023
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Learn and Grow.
Talk less, do more.
Be sincere and authentic.
Be caring and compassionate in life.

Everybody was born unique.
Don't live your life as a duplicate/copy.

You know, one of the questions all of us should ask ourselves:

«Are we living or existing?»
Simple, but deep.
718 is encouraging to do more, think more, talk less. Learn and definitely have to grow from it.
by JVeverMind® August 29, 2021
by JVeverMind April 19, 2023
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Fall is so beautiful, but yet everything is dying.
According to the law of conservation of mass, matter is neither created nor destroyed. It is converted from one form to another.
So, I see the positivity in every single negativity.
I see opportunity in hopelessness.
Yes, the beauty of the fall season is undeniable, yet, everything is dying.
Yet, the fallen leaves become fertilizers, preparing for the spring to bloom.
There are always times for being head-downs. Let’s think of head-ups.

Fallen leaves
to me,
it signifies the act of falling for you.
Falling in love.
to love.
to be loved.
or at least..
the love we once had.. or maybe still have
You may have forgotten.
I will.. never.

by JVeverMind® September 16, 2021
Here it comes Summer, and I long for Fall 🍁
by JVeverMind® April 23, 2022
by JVeverMind April 19, 2023
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I remember it was so peaceful back then. I could freely to let my mind wander into the imagination world without getting into any troubles.

I remember I was so carefree and innocent. There was no pains or sorrows that I can recall.. or at least, I didn't understand what they were.

I remember I climbed to the roof of my house and just sat there, enjoyed the wind and looking at those flock of birds flying around as I was trying to feed them grains.

Please give me a one way ticket back to my childhood.

Reality is brutal.
I remember ..
when I was 14 and before..
by JVeverMind® January 30, 2022
by JVeverMind April 19, 2023
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In the old days, 2 lines and happiness couldn't hide
Nowadays, 2 lines and sadness cannot lie.
In the old days, 2 lines and claimed it was mine
Nowadays, 2 lines and blame it on covid-one-nine
In the old days, only women got 2 lines
Nowadays, it does not matter whether or not you are straight or bi
In the old days, 2 lines were on your mind and gave you baby fever

Nowadays, fever gives you shivers throughout days and nights
2 lines
2 lines and sadness

It's not Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey
by JVeverMind® April 21, 2022
by JVeverMind April 19, 2023
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Tomorrow never comes.

I would never know.
by JVeverMind® December 22, 2021
by JVeverMind April 19, 2023
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