4 definitions by JKHero

Abbreviation for Austin Peay State University, named for a three-term governor of Tennessee.
Student #1: Where are you going to college?
Student #2: APSU
by JKHero January 30, 2009
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Short for The Governors: mascot of Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee.
Derived from Governor Austin Peay, for whom the college is named.
Random Person: How many times have The Govs gone to the NCAA basketball tournament?
Peay Student: Five or Six.
Random Person: What about the Lady Govs?
Peay Student: Also Five or Six.
Random Person: Why do you keep answering 'five or six' times?
Peay Student: It's five times - or six if you count this year.
by JKHero January 30, 2009
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Regional university located in Clarksville, Tennessee, on land which has been used for educational purposes since 1806. APSU offers majors in programs as diverse as Agriculture, Business, Computers, Education, Nursing, Theater & Dance, etc. Currently the fastest growing university in Tennessee.
H.S. student #1: Where are you applying to college?
H.S. student #2: Austin Peay State University - I want to major in Psychology. What about you?
H.S. student #1: Me, too - I want to major in Physics.
by JKHero January 30, 2009
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short for Austin Peay State University, a regional college in Tennessee known for winning basketball teams and liberal arts students
Bobroy: Who do you think will win the Ohio Valley Conference this year?
Robroy: The Peay, of course.
Bobroy: No, I mean in football.
Robroy: Does the OVC have football?
by JKHero January 30, 2009
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