28 definitions by JERKER19


Mostly green, sometimes sticky, aregono looking substance. much apprectated by pot-heads. come's in many different types and foarms (ex. purple, brown widow, hydro, orange kush...). all of witch have different potentcies of THC (what gets you high). weed is sold by the gram (dime=.10=$10, dub=.20=$20, a forty=.40=$40...). you can smoke it out of many things (pipe, bong, steam roller, joints...).
guy1: "hey man, you have any weed?"

guy2: "yah, lets go smoke."

(a sort time later...)

guy1: "man i am so high right now"

guy2: "back at ya bro."
by JERKER19 July 19, 2010
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a website dedicated to the elements of hip-hop. The website was started by Ray Stantz. Additional contributors include Jsiin, Mills, and Stroydnaire.
Yo, I always hear the same music on the radio so I log onto thegrinddaily.com for good hip hop.
by JERKER19 July 18, 2010
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intense joy, coupled with extreme emotional shifts; an experience equal to an orgasm
OMG, it's a full on complete double rainbow all the way across the sky!
by JERKER19 July 17, 2010
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It's like that thing, that you are doing, that you don't realize you are doing, yet you are still doing it
by JERKER19 July 18, 2010
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buy that's what she said mugs, tshirts and magnetsThe most versatile joke on Earth.
"I think we can fit that in with the rest of them."

"That's what she said."

"Make sure it's long enough."

"That's what she said!"

"It hurts a little but it's not too bad."


"John, we're concerned about your drinking."

by JERKER19 July 18, 2010
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A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens with no life use as a burn book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about.
Urbandictionary.com isn't a burn book or a webjournal site.
thumbs up for urban dictionary
by JERKER19 July 18, 2010
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